Friday, 18 December 2015

Hanging Around

A group of tourists listen carefully to their guide at Brandenburger Gate.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Friday, 20 November 2015


 I took this picture at the technical rehearsal for "AIDA" the latest Opera Premier from the Deutsche Oper in Berlin, directed by Benedickt von Peter and Music from Giuseppe Verdi
 A modern interpretation,with great music and singing from the soloist's and Orchestra.
Not much change in the stage scenery which would be my only critique, but otherwise worth a visit if you're in Berlin. Info below:
2 Stunden 45 Minuten / Eine Pause
Veränderter Saalplan [Platzierung von Chor und Orchester u. a. im Zuschauerbereich]! Unser Karten-Service berät Sie gerne.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Hush Moss

"Hush Moss"
Taken from a recent #SofarsoundsBerlin concert.

"Hush Moss is a Berlin based singer-songwriter Eden Leshem and friends, followed by dynamic and loving keys and stage pianos, guided by kind and passionate bass presence, hovering above soft grooves and analog disco ballads."

Sofa sounds have created a global movement which brings music lovers together. Join the mailing list to apply for our gigs:

I'm part of the Sofar sounds Berlin and have great fun in taking photos of some pretty cool talented  musicians, all I can say is sign up for a gig and let yourselves be amazed :-)

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Out of the Darkness

Portrait shot of Georgette Dee playing Helen of Troy at the Renaissance Theatre in Berlin.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015



I took this shot at the Renaissance Theatre in Berlin at a press call for the up and coming production of "HELENA. PLÄDOYER FÜR EINE SCHLAMPE"
Georgette Dee is a very well known Diseuse in Berlin, and certainly played his part as Helen of Troy to distinction. I can fully recommend that if anyone reading this is currently in Berlin, then pop on down to the Renaissance Theatre and take a look for yourself.

Dates and Times below:
Just click on the link.
Premiere Deutsche Erstaufführung
Miguel del Arco



Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Theatre Technicians

"Theatre technicians at work at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

On Stage

Taken during the technical rehearsal for Vasco Da Gama, at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin.