Thursday, 16 April 2015

Urban Creations

Took this shot in London, I liked the composition for this shot, but at the same time it crossed my mind that we're living in a world which seems to be hell bent on filling space at whatever cost.
 "If there's space, fill it" seems to be the motto of these times.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Bench Secrets

Locals enjoying the afternoon sun in Berlin, without realising the specific bench on which they are sat on reveals a secret message.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Depth Perspectives

I took this shot before boarding the ferry from Puttgarden ( Germany to Rødby Denmark),
I like creating shots  with lots of depth and which guide the observers eye towards the back end of the picture. 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Beach Memories

As I saw this couple hand in hand strolling along the beach, I wondered just how many times they may have walked along this stretch of beach over the years, and what memories they might have.

Pillars of Strength

Architectural perspectives in Leipzig.