Friday, 2 October 2015

Vasco Da Gama

"Vasco Da Gama"
Took this picture during a technical rehearsal of Vasco Da Gamma at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin.
A tale of 5 acts, love death and all the trimmings which you'd expect of a piece of this magnitude.
Opera photography requires lots of patience and the ability to deal with low light that changes almost constantly.For me it's a real honour not just to take pictures, but to also see all the work and creativity which has gone into this production.
Anyone in Berlin now I would reccomend this Opera highly!!!!

Info below:

Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791 – 1864)

Grand Opéra in fünf Akten
Libretto von Eugène Scribe
Uraufführung [L’AFRICAINE] am 28. April 1865 an der Opéra de Paris; Erstaufführung der revidierten Fassung nach Herausgabe der historisch-kritischen Edition von Jürgen Schläder [VASCO DA GAMA] am 2. Februar 2013 in Chemnitz; Premiere an der Deutschen Oper Berlin am 4. Oktober 2015
In französischer Sprache mit deutschen und englischen Übertiteln

Musikalische Leitung Enrique Mazzola
Inszenierung Vera Nemirova
Regie-Mitarbeit Sonja Nemirova
Bühne Jens Kilian

Dates and Times

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